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IPIX* by:

Interactive Pictures Corporation
7325 Oak Ridge Hwy
Knoxville, TN 37931
Tel:  423-690-5600
Fax:  423-690-2913

Tool: IPIX*
Category: Engines/Viewers/SDKs: Graphics/Imaging
Interactive Pictures Corporation, an Intel MMX™ technology development partner, develops and markets products and services based on patented IPIX* technology, the leading immersive photography medium. An IPIX is an interactive, spherical image with a 360-degree view from any given point, created by taking two opposing photographs with a standard fisheye lens and joining them through computer image remapping. The user can navigate an IPIX using a mouse or other keyboard input device, panning left, right, up or down. Because IPIX can be linked together, or linked to other media or URLs, virtual tours can be created and enhanced with narrative, music, video, text and graphics.

Applications include entertainment, travel, real estate, news media, interactive broadcasting and marketing. Interactive Pictures Corporation Studios provides a variety of solutions, including IPIX processing, turnkey title development, and multimedia enhancement. Studio clients include Motorola, Discovery Communications, Coldwell Banker, Time-Warner, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Home & Garden TV, the National Football League, Toyota, Saab USA, NASA, Rent Net, and Resort Condominiums International.

Available software for IPIX development includes: IPIX Builder, IPIX Multimedia Kit, IPIX SDK for custom C applications, and the IPIX Xtra for Macromedia Director.

CD-ROM titles featuring IPIX include: Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater: An Interactive Tour, by Interactive Pictures Corporation, A Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus, by Parsons Technology, and Minolta Presents: Byron Joriorian's Photography, an Interactive Workshop, by Minolta.

Key Pentium® II processor features/performance benefit
Features Benefits
IPIX fisheye distortion correction Speeds up the real time dewarp process and provides improved movement of pixel data from input to output buffer
Full interactivity - user can navigate any direction within the IPIX MMX technology enhancements allow for smoother movement throughout the IPIX
Excellent image resolution MMX technology enhancements provide the potential for increased image resolution by decreasing the time necessary to execute the remapping algorithm
Product and Contact Information
Availability of Product Contact
  • All released IPIX software is available directly from Interactive Pictures Corp.
  • Plug-in and stand-alone viewers are availble for download from the IPIX Web site
  • CD-ROM titles featuring IPIX are availble through distribution channels

26 September 1997

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation